Jeremiah 6:16-30

Scripture: Jeremiah 6:16-30

This is what the Lord says: “Stop at the crossroads and look around. Ask for the old, godly way, and walk in it. Travel its path, and you will find rest for your souls. But you reply, ‘No, that’s not the road we want!’” (Jeremiah 6:15, NLT).


Jeremiah reminds the people that there is a way out of their distress. It has been there since ancient times, encoded in the Law which God gave to his people. The Law was good, and its intent was to provide rest (v.16). The people need only walk in the way of the Law—loving God with all their heart, soul, and strength (Deuteronomy 6:5) and their neighbors as themselves (Leviticus 19:18). Jeremiah points out that gifts and sacrifices are not acceptable to God when his Word is rejected (v.19-20).


Like JLeomarc-sign-one-way-1-300pxeremiah, I need to observe and to test the value of the paths before me (v.27). Much of what passes as acceptable practice in our society—our priorities, our values, our attitudes, our world view—does not overlay the one true Way, Jesus. Religious observance is of little value if doesn’t function as signposts to keep me on the right path. Only by following Jesus along the pathway of love do I find rest for my soul.


Father, thank you for inspiring your people to record the godly path in Scripture. Thank you for Jesus, your Son, who is the Way, Truth, and the Life. Set my feet firmly upon his path. Keep me eyes steadfast on him. Forgive me when I stubbornly go my own way. Restrain me from worldly shortcuts. Redirect me when I’ve lost my way. Let your Holy Spirit be my constant Guide. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


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